You Remove Someone on Snapchat and Add Them Back

Snapchat, the popular social networking app known for its unique features, has gained significant popularity since its launch in 2011. With its disappearing messages and media, Snapchat offers a sense of privacy and spontaneity that appeals to teenagers. However, this temporary nature of content can also lead to privacy breaches and impulsive behavior. In this article, we will explore the question of why someone who has removed you from their Snapchat network can add you back without your consent.

Understanding the Dynamics of Snapchat Friend Lists

To understand why someone can add you back on Snapchat without your approval, it’s important to grasp how the friend list system works on the platform. When you add someone as a friend on Snapchat, and they reciprocate by adding you back, both of you are added to each other’s friend lists. If either party decides to remove the other from their friend list, the person who initiated the removal will no longer see the other person on their friend list. However, the person who was removed will still see the other person on their friend list unless they also choose to remove them.

The Process of Adding Someone Back on Snapchat

If someone has removed you from their Snapchat network but wants to add you back without your approval, they can easily do so by reciprocating your continued addition of them to your friend list. In other words, since they were already your friend on the platform, they can simply add you back without needing your consent. This means that even if you were removed from their friend list, you can still receive friend requests from them and be added back automatically.

Signs That Someone Has Removed You as a Friend on Snapchat

While you may not receive any notifications when someone removes you as a friend on Snapchat, there are several signs that can indicate this has happened. By paying attention to these signs, you can gain insights into whether someone has removed you from their friend list.

Snapscore and Streaks

Two popular features on Snapchat, snapscore and snap streaks, can serve as indicators of whether someone has removed you as a friend. Snap score represents a user’s activity on Snapchat, measuring the total number of snaps they have sent and received. If you notice that your snap streak with someone suddenly breaks without any explanation or warning, it may be a sign that they have removed you as a friend.

Lack of Interactions

Another sign that someone may have removed you as a friend on Snapchat is a sudden decrease in interactions. If someone you used to frequently interact with on the platform stops engaging with you, it could be an indication that they have removed you. While this is not a definitive confirmation, it is worth considering if other signs align with this behavior.

Mutual Friends

Snapchat uses emojis to signify mutual friends between users. If you notice that the emoji indicating mutual friends disappears, it suggests that the person who was previously a mutual friend is no longer connected to you or the other person. This can be a strong indicator that someone has removed you as a friend on Snapchat.

Confirming Your Suspicions

To confirm whether someone has removed you from their Snapchat network, you can simply visit their profile. If they are still your friend, you will be able to see their snap score, zodiac sign, and other compatibility indicators. However, if they have removed you, you will only see their name, username, and bitmoji. It’s important to have a clear conversation with the person before jumping to conclusions, as there may be a reasonable explanation for their actions.

Removing Someone as a Friend on Snapchat

If you want to remove someone as a friend on Snapchat, the process is relatively straightforward. Follow these steps:

1.Open Snapchat and log in to your account.

2.Swipe right to access your Snapchat Chats list.

3.Locate the user you want to remove as a friend.

4.Long press on their bitmoji icon.

5.A menu will appear with various options. Select “Manage Friendship.”

6.Finally, tap on “Remove friend” to complete the process.

It’s important to note that removing someone as a friend on Snapchat is a permanent action. Once you remove someone, they will no longer be able to view your Snapchat stories or send you snaps unless you add them back as a friend.


In conclusion, someone who has removed you from their Snapchat network can add you back without your approval by reciprocating your continued addition of them to your friend list. This is possible because they were already your friend on the platform, and adding you back does not require your consent. However, there are several signs that can indicate when someone has removed you as a friend on Snapchat, such as a sudden break in snap streaks or a decrease in interactions. It is always important to have open communication with the person involved to understand their actions fully.

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